Friday Favorites

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Hey guys! It's Friday. And for anyone who's keeping a close eye on the's late Friday. We were working so concentratedly on a certain project that we had almost let the day slip past us entirely. And I had been wanting to share some of these Friday Favorites for a while now. Just a short time ago we stepped out of our studio and realized that the whole rest of the house was pitch dark. There we were with the overhead spotlights flooding our clock in sight...we had no idea that night had fallen already! Well I'm glad I'm here now...and glad you guys are here too. I needed to step away for vision was tilting to the myopic end of the scale. It's good to stop every so often to take a look at some of the fabulous things in life.

I love everything about the above photo project. A fun way to capture your kid's moods and expressions and make them into awesome posters! Check out the tutorial to find out just how easily you can do these...and cheap. They were printed as engineer prints at Fed Ex Kinkos for only $3.00 each. How fun would these be with pets?!

Bunnies! Need I say anymore? How incredibly cute are these customizable pieces. Get your adorable personalized necklace or bracelet from I Adorn U. 

How incredibly cool is this? Rain drawings using NeverWet from Rust-Oleum. You can totally spray some outdoor surface, like concrete, with this product from Rust-Oleum and it will be rendered rain resistant. With a stencil you can create designs or block in some words that'll be invisible until they get wet. Our driveway is gravel, so...bummer. But yeah, a concrete driveway would be perfect for doing this.

Even though it was mega humid and hot here today I am already feeling my heart sing for the Fall. I'm so so ready for it and so are a ton of other peeps apparently. I've been seeing pumpkin recipes being pinned, and some coffee shops decided to put their pumpkin lattes into the rotation early. There are pics galore showing up on Instagram. I'm ready for Fall cooking and baking and for these very activities I think I just might require this wood bark pedestal stand.

This image is so darn beautiful...and until just this moment I hadn't noticed how much it captures my current emotional season. I guess by "emotional season" I mean the way that I feel as opposed to the actual time of the year that's on the calendar. See...I'm still full of the green leaves of summer...but I'm gradually transitioning into my own personal autumn. And there's that morning mist...the new day has yet to fully break. Yep...that's how I feel right now.

Ok, seriously...I have to get back to the task that had been stealing my Friday away in the first place. It's  just that important. Glad you could pop in at the water cooler for a quick chat!
xo, Jenny...& Aaron

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Bohemian Style

Posted by om 0 comments


boho style

Today my inner hippie self is out on show!

Not only is the bohemian look totally on trend ~
it is also a very affordable way to decorate.
A great look for a beach house rental or
a low budget makeover.
The end result will be colourful, upbeat, 
eclectic and inviting ...
but won't break the bank.

Melissah xox

Images via 1, 2-4, 5-6, moodboard by Coastal Style Blog

Check out Coastal Style on tumblr and Pinterest

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