New Year's Eve...

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Happy New Year friends! What a difference a day makes! I'm thrilled to be done with 2012 and living in the year 2013. Sure, yesterday was Monday...and today is simply Tuesday. The only thing that has actually changed are the digits on the calendar.  
The rest is up to me. It's up to me to strive for happiness at all costs. That's probably my biggest resolution...the pursuit of happiness. And so far I'm not doing too bad. Today me and Aar are embracing the cold gray day...staying home, taking the day at a decidedly lazy pace, but still keeping our minds busy with tomorrow's plans and also working on bits and pieces of small projects today.

Last night we had such a great time with my family. We all gathered down at the home of my brother Richard and his girl. Almost all of my siblings were there, as well as my parents, and my cute as a button niece! A night filled with snacking, laughing, and plenty of goofball behavior. I baked my famous Red Velvet Cupcakes, decorated with "Baby New Year" toppers, along with some little baby bottles and diaper pins. The cupcakes were requested by my brother Walt. They're his absolute fave and I think he wanted to get his fill of 'em before he puts his dieting resolution into effect. And boy oh boy did they do the trick last night. We all indulged plenty!

 If you are following me on Instagram, then it's likely that you've seen these already. I guess this would be where I'd possibly apologize for the redundancy...but nope... I'm fine with it...I LOVE it. And if you are over there on Instagram I'm sure you LOVE it too!
 I've heard lots of peeps in blogland griping about bloggers going all Instagram on their blogs while neglecting their "real" cameras. Pretty much saying that they're taking the easy way out. But for me, it's totally not a substitution. I can only view it as an addition. I suspect that I'll be using LOTS of Instagram here...and at the same time I'm certain that you guys will be seeing WAY more real pics than ever. I'll be purchasing a brand new lens very soon and this has got me pretty darn psyched!! 

For our New Years Eve partying we opted for middle of the road attire. We wanted to be comfy but we spruced up just a bit. I wore my fave bow hair band from Sunshine & Carousels (Erin). And're looking at my very first Instagram #selfie  ;)

And here's Aaron looking comfy, cute, and a bit dapper in his new shirt. :) 

Earlier in the day we played around in our Art Journals. I could never even begin to list all the things that I love about Art Journaling...but one of them is that it's the perfect creative activity to do on days like yesterday and today. Days when you are either recovering from the party or waiting to leave to get the partying under way. Just pick up your Art Journal and turn the lull in the day into something colorful. I love this simple and fun page that Aaron did! 

We are having a lazy, comfy day here. Just chatting and planning and dreaming about the year ahead. Ideas for our business, our art, our blog. Everything is a possibility.

I'd love to hear about what you guys are up to! Drop me a line if you can!

Hooray for a brand new shiny year!!
xo Jenny

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New Year's Resolution

Posted by om 0 comments


1. Always eat breakfast People who skip breakfast are more likely to be overweight. Eating first thing in the morning revs up your metabolism and really gets you going for the day.

2. Don’t skip meals People who do, often find themselves feeling hungry (because their blood sugar levels have dropped) that they turn to foods like biscuits or lollies for a quick sugar fix. 

3.Eat smaller portions. To prevent overeating serve meals on smaller plates and stop eating when you feel satisfied rather than uncomfortably full. As a wise friend once said: the best exercise for losing weight is to push yourself away from the table!

4. Make water your first option Have a drink of water if you feel like something between meals because you may need fluids, not food. Research suggests that having two glasses of water before a meal reduces the quantity of food you consume. 

5. Slow down Allowing at least 20 minutes to eat your meal gives your brain time to register that you are satisfied. So take small mouthfuls and chew your food well. 

6. Keep track of your weight Weigh yourself weekly to monitor what’s happening with your weight. People who weigh themselves regularly are more successful at maintaining their weight. 

7. Eat at the table Don’t mindlessly eat in front of the TV. By eating together as a family at the dining table, it slows down food consumption and you tend to eat less. 

8. Eat rainbows The easiest way to ensure a healthy diet with a good intake of vitamins and minerals and other vital antioxidants is to always have a colourful array of foods on your plate. 

9. Spice up your diet Herbs and spices are rich sources of antioxidants so add oregano and mint to your Greek salad, a few basil leaves to your tomato salad and lemongrass, ginger and chilli to your favourite Thai salad dressing. 

10. Make it wholegrain. Choose wholegrain bread and other grain foods instead of overly processed varieties because they are the best energy foods for the brain and working muscles.

Melissah xox

{Source: Karen Inge, Jenny Craig Dietician / Images Cannelle et Vanille and Pinterest }

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