Things I Love About Summmer

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I love coming back from the beach with salty hair and sun kissed skin, a shower always feels soooo good after a day at the beach. I love cold, icy treats on a hot summer's day and fruity cocktails as the sun goes down. I love getting out on the water with the sea breeze on your face and I love swimming in the ocean, laughing as I get tossed around by the waves.



My gosh, the pressure is on ... dreaming up a fabulous post for the launch of my new blog. Something that will capture everyone's imagination and sums up everything coastal. Well, that's way too hard a challenge as every post will have it's own unique feel and point of interest - how do I choose? Some will be on interior design or great summer fashion, others will be on food and drinks for hot, balmy evenings or just hanging out at the beach, stylish places to visit and summer beauty. So I will just start this new blog with a fresh, summery story, one of many that I hope will lift your spirits and remind you of all the good things that come with summer and coastal living. The previous posts appeared on my other blog 'Scrapbook' which will give you a feel for what lies ahead. I hope it takes you on an adventure. Enjoy!

Melissah xox
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