New Years Resolutions

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The holiday eating season is almost over and now is the time when people start trying to make big changes in their lives for the New Year. The only problem is that big changes, such as New Year’s Resolutions, are extremely hard to stick to, as evidenced by the surge of people in the gym during January, and the lull that occurs in February of every year.
Weight loss is one of the most popular New Year’s Resolutions, but very few people are successful at maintaining weight loss during the entire year.  One major reason for this lack of success is because people are trying to change too much at one time. You may increase your exercise routine from two days a week to five, in addition to trying a new low-carb diet. Talk about taking on a whole new lifestyle!! The key to be successful is to take baby steps… maybe increase your workouts to three days, then try four, and determine if it is realistic that you will stick to this exercise regime for the foreseeable future (ie: more than 1 year).  After all, a baby doesn’t go from rolling over to being a proficient walker in a matter of days… it takes time and small baby steps.
Like a sudden increase in exercise, an extreme change in your diet will also be hard to maintain for more than a few weeks. Your diet is a vital component of everyday life and a sudden and extreme change will not bode well for your physical and mental wellbeing. What you eat, where you eat, how you eat, and who you eat with all help to contribute to who you are as a person. So, if you suddenly go on a diet, your body will be shocked and dislike this extreme change. You may lose weight, but you may become deficient in nutrients, lack energy, become irritable, and not be able to enjoy social activities like you used to. So, to be successful, you need to adopt healthy eating habits and try to follow the 90/10 rule (90% of the time= healthy; 10%= unhealthy).
            If your New Year’s Resolution is to lose weight, or just be healthier, I highly recommend that you take small steps instead of a huge leap. If you live in the area and are considering changing your diet, I encourage you to meet with me so I can establish your nutritional needs, educate you about choosing healthy foods, and help you with meal planning and how to stock your pantry. If you are a member of CLM, be sure to join the Big Loser Contest (even if you aren't trying to lose weight) and take advantage of the super-cheap Personal Training and Nutrition Specials!

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