Is This Going To Be My New House?

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 Auction today 

I have had a crazy week starting off with a house for sale catching my eye in the local paper. Now I'm not in the market for a new house but I drove past anyway. As it was vacant I had a snoop around and peered through the windows ~ I was very, very excited by what I saw. Raced home, grabbed hubby and dragged him along. Mr Conservative also fell in love with it. This is our dream house - white cottage by the sea within walking distance of the beach and views to die for. Spent the next day with building inspectors, lawyers, real estate agents and mortgage brokers. This was Wednesday and the Auction is today. On Thursday I organised an inspection. We were so disappointed at how run done it was on the inside and how much work was needed - but it has amazing potential. Looks a lot better in the photos than in real life. We lost our enthusiasm, but then both woke up the next day still dead keen to make it our own - we both have such a clear vision on how amazing we can make it. The auction is today and I've heard there is a stack of interested parties but I have my cheque book at the ready and we'll be bidding.

So wish me luck! 
If we're not successful I know there will others out there
 but this one is a beauty! 
I'll let you know tomorrow.
Melissah xox

Images via Real 

Check out my other blogs Scrapbook and Country Style Chic

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Friday Favorites: vintage photobooth photos

Posted by om 0 comments
vintage photobooth photo 

It feels really good to be getting back into the groove after all the chaos resulting from the storm. It's time once again for Friday Favorites! This week I'm focusing on one of my absolute favorite collectibles...the vintage photo booth photo. I've got a drawer full of them but just because they're in a drawer doesn't mean that they're just hoarded away for my eyes only. Nope, the drawer is simply where the originals stay for safe keeping. I'm happy to say that this is one collectible that gets a whole lot of mileage in my hands. Vintage photobooth pics are amazing source material. We color copy them, blow them up to nice portrait size, and then embellish them with paint. The transformation is fabulous! You'll see below our portraits of Sadie and Molly...we did those a while back but just recently I was pulling out a bunch of inspiration for our new bedroom and those came to mind...they are in the shop now as prints.We're going with grays, and sepia tones, some pewter, metal, parchment...but we'll also be bringing in some gorgeous rose studies and all the colors that inhabit those. So I thought these old photo booth pics would fit in perfectly. And when embellished with paint you can take them in whatever direction you please as far as color palette goes.

hand tinted photobooth... 


"Molly" Vintage photobooth inspired portrait matted ready to frame print by Everyday is a Holiday 

"Sadie" Vintage photobooth inspired portrait matted ready to frame print by Everyday is a Holiday 
We'll definitely be putting together a class involving these. So try to gather some of your faves if you're interested...or start a collection now. They are small and usually very affordable at flea markets etc...It's all about the great things you can do with these pretty gals. 
Thanks so so much for joining me in my first Friday back! Three cheers for normalcy!
xoxo, Jenny

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