Slip, Slap, Slop!

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Unfortunately, our love affair with the sun means that most of us have spent the halcyon days of our youth catching some rays in no more than a bikini and coconut oil, and only now are we paying the price. Although Vitamen D from the sun is essential, the sun can wreck havoc on our skin, resulting in lines, wrinkles and pigmentation damage. Therefore the only anti-aging product on the market is sunscreen. Take refuge in sunscreen, a sun umbrella and a big hat this summer. 

Your skin will thank-you for it!



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Everytime you step out to go the beach remember to take the 'beach essentials' to protect you from the harmful UV rays. Your beach bag should have plenty of sunscreen, a wide brimmed hat, a lightweight cover-up and sunglasses with good quality UV lenses to protect your eyes. This will guarantee you a great day at the beach without any nasty sunburn.

Melissah xox

Images via 1, 2, 3, 4 + 5 by Coastal Style

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