Summer has arrived!

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Those days when you can have all the windows open seem to always boil down to a brief, fleeting moment. In no time flat the weather switches and that breeze comes to a halt and the air thickens. Now we've got the AC going in one room and we'll be sure to fire up the other one soon. But for that mini moment it was great. And we get so so much light in our place I just had to take a pic of a tiny corner of our tiny apartment. We took a drive the other day and this little antique shop that is never ever open when we pass it was finally open. The guy had great stuff. I scored that top itty bitty cream jewelry box for 2.00! :)

I found this 30 day Photo Fun Challenge on Pinterest. It's hosted by White Peach Photography. I never did one before. Probably because I wasn't sure I could actually do it. I didn't want to slack or miss days. But this time I'm gonna challenge myself. It's just the nudge I need. To blog see the little really see them...and document them...share them. And each prompt is certainly open to interpretation. I'm excited to do it and hope a ton of people will join me. Let's have fun with this! Who is gonna party with me? Join the flickr group!!

So Day 1 already proved to be a challenge. Our water heater sprung a leak...then there was a HUGE gas leak. The guy from the gas company came and his meter was reading off the charts. He shut off the gas but he said we should stay out of the house for the rest of the day. So, after finally getting back in the hot water...oh wait, NO WATER at all. So the above photo was taken ON THE MORNING AFTER the day that I spent roaming up and down the street for hours with the dogs waiting for the gas day old limp, sticky hair, old hair spray, and bedhead...just dying for a cool shower. And I had to pull through...I couldn't miss DAY 1.
The scar above my eye brow is from a bike fall at 6 yrs old. It was mid July... super duper hot...and it was my first ride with the training wheels off. My poor Uncle Ron was supervising me, and there I am...riding for mere seconds and I go right down...tons of blood...probably looked like my whole eyebrow came off. He had to bring me back inside to my parents looking like that! I remember being so reluctant to the doctors, the stitches, the whole thing... they had to wrap me in a papoose...aka: straight jacket.

Working on a big batch of these candy colored cuties! We listed this one the other night and it was grabbed up within minutes. I'm so happy to see that so many of our online friends are looking to add some vintage inspired signage to their homes and shops!

Wood signs are what we started with...waaaay back! Inspired by vintage Boardwalk signage, old fashioned bakeries...etc. Back when hand painted was the ONLY option.
This "cupcakes" sign is on a very old board that we picked up somewhere in our travels and we immediately sketched this design out once we got it home. With carnival like letters in aqua, turquoise, & a thin outline of red...set against a well worn pale pink...this is the perfect piece for your sweetest room at home or shop. Excellent size for over a door or window...or stove.

Lots more of these to come in all different shapes, sizes and designs! Really, we've got so so many designs sketched out...just gotta squeeze them into our schedule.

Ok, I'll be back tomorrow. Please join the 30 day photo will be fun and motivational.

xoxo, Jenny

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The Love Behind Love on a Leash: Penny Adam Leggo

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We often feature profiles of the wonderful, loving, qualified women behind Love on a Leash, putting a face behind the person who is caring for your dog while you are away. This month we feature Penny Adam Leggo, Dog Sitter and Dog Walker Extraordinaire…

Penny has worked closely with animals since 1996, including eight years at the S.P.C.A. Animal Hospital and seven years as a professional dog walker. This has helped Penny fine tune her knowledge of animal behaviors, health, and well being.
Penny has worked extensively throughout the animal world – from specialty pet stores to grooming businesses. These positions have honed her knowledge of pet products, animal nutrition, grooming and care of dogs as well as other pets.

Penny is a certified dog trainer and recently updated her first aid skills to include Levels I and II of Dogsafe Canine First Aid. Penny also went thru training to help further improve her skills and knowledge in dealing with a variety of different situations regarding dog handling and certain behaviors that may require some special work to ensure that owners and their dogs are happy, healthy, well adjusted and well behaved!

Over the years Penny has owned and loved a variety of different pets including dogs and cats plus other small animals. She gets tremendous enjoyment working with dogs. Penny feels these loveable pooches help keep a smile on her face and deliver new challenges each day and that dogs enrich people’s lives so much with their unconditional love.

We have to agree -- there is no substitute for your dog’s love and the amount of love Penny gets from her doggy clients each day along her route shows she is indeed dog’s best friend!

Note: Recently Penny adopted Rupert, a senior Bichon Frise, who had been left in a kill shelter in L.A., and who was in need of a loving and caring home. Having lost her own senior boy, Ziggy, this past winter, we hope that Rupert can help fill the void Ziggy’s passing left in Penny’s heart. And Penny’s heart is indeed very big as she adopted a newborn kitten a few months back, too!

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