Reading is for the Dogs: Tammy’s February Picks

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A Rare Breed of Love: The True Story of Baby and the Mission She Inspired to help Dogs Everywhere, by Jana Kohl (Fireside/Simon and Schuster) is a beautiful book about a dog named Baby who is a puppy mill survivor. The book has great photos of Baby with celebrities, politicians and animal lovers. When you see the love Baby shows throughout the photos you see that she has not lost her hope in humanity. Baby shows how much love dogs have to give and how much they enrich our lives. I bought this book because of the adorable less than perfect-looking dog on the cover which compelled me to flip through it in Chapters and I couldn’t put it down once I got home.

This is a heartwarming book, full of hope, certain to make you laugh and cry all at the same time and written by Janna as a way to educate people to the suffering inflicted by our fellow humans.

Andy Rooney's quote, “the average dog is a nicer person than the average person” is rather sad but true! Buy this book to share with family and friends who are animal lovers as a wonderful gift... but most of all don't forget to spay and neuter your pets.

Peter’s Poofect Pet by Tina Powell (BigFatPen) is an adorable story that Tina Powell wrote for kids but that will appeal to the dog lover in all of us.

In the story, Peter wants a pet more than anything in the world. But Peter’s parents have a list of reasons why they don't want a pet in the house. Their prime reason? Pets poo!

In this hilarious book about pets, parents and poo, Peter knows just what to do!

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