Happy Australia Day

Posted by om 0 comments
Today is Australia Day - it's the middle of summer and a public holiday so the best way to celebrate is to gather some friends, fire up the barbecue, kick back for the afternoon and enjoy the sunshine. Whip up a pavlova and top it with fresh strawberries and cream, make some homemade lamingtons and serve up some mini meat pies topped with an 'aussie' flag. It might not be the most sophisticated of parties but it will sure to be a load of fun. Go on, throw another prawn on the barbie!

Food images via Donna Hay

If you are feeling energetic here a few ideas to host an extra special Australia Day beach barbecue. Send out some red, white and blue invitations. Fill up some big ice buckets with cold drinks, hang the Australian flag from the balcony, hand out pairs of thongs (flip flops) with Aussie gift tags to your guests, bundle up knives and forks with a serviette and tie them with red and white striped ribbon. It's amazing how much more fun your friends with have if you put in that little bit of extra effort!


Images via styleguide.com

Melissah xox

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Posted by om 0 comments

I came across this new product at the ACME the other day... Almond Breeze has come out with a new product that is Almond and Coconut Milks combined into one! I am iffy on recommending straight up coconut milk because the research is still inconclusive as to whether the saturated fat in coconut is actually good for you, or if it is as bad as other saturated fats (which have shown to increase blood cholesterol levels). The American Heart Association still recommends limiting your saturated fat to <10% of your total calories, no matter if it is from coconut milk or lard.

The new Almond Breeze Almond Coconut Milk has the same amount of calories and fat as original almond milk (60 calories, 3 g fat (1 g saturated from the coconut)), but definitely has a strong coconut flavor. Because it is so creamy and luscious like almond and coconut milks are on their own, I have found that this is a great substitute in coffee for the flavored coffee creamers. As you can see from the nutrition label below, this new milk is very low in calories, low in sugar, and extremely high in calcium, vitamin D, and Vitamin E - which most people don't get enough of through diet since the best source is in almonds. Using Almond Coconut Milk in your coffee is a substantially healthier choice than half and half or a flavored creamer. This drink also is exceptional in smoothies (try mixing with mangoes and banana for a tropical shake). So go buy some and let me know what you think!

Refrigerated Almond Coconut Original Nutrition label
Source of pictures and nutrition information: Almond Breeze Website- http://www.almondbreeze.com/?navid=530

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