Atlantic - Byron Bay

Posted by om 0 comments

Another place on my bucket list is Atlantic located in the heart of Byron Bay. It has a number of guest houses but what really appeals to me is the American Airstream trailer camped under a coconut palm in the backyard! Set amongst palm trees and a lush garden, Atlantic encourages the cool and casual lifestyle Byron Bay is famous for. The décor is inspired by boutique Caribbean guest houses and Byron Bay surf culture. High ceilings, chalk-white walls and the quiet garden create a unique atmosphere and refreshing holiday experience.

Melissah xox
Images via Atlantic

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Everything's Rosey!

Posted by om 0 comments

Yes, everything's rosey over here. We were going through some old photos and an album of our press clippings and we saw some of our old Vintage Rose hand painted flower pots...and we just had to revisit some of that old magic. The magazine piece above featuring us is from Woman's Day Decorating ideas. It was mainly supposed to be an article about our handpainted furniture line but we were doing so many smalls & accessories at the time that they decided to feature that stuff even more prominently than the furniture. The photo in the top left of the article is of a collection of our handpainted paper mache boxes...we did literally thousands of those...wholesale to stores in every state! It was years ago and our fingers still hurt from all the painting. But down in the left hand corner of the article are some of our flower pots...we loved using black back then...and we did a great handpainted leopard print on tons of stuff.
So anyway...we had to get back to our roots...ROSES. We really love the flower pots but the wooden wall box is so cool too. We also did some little jewelry/keepsake boxes with gold accents. So check the shop for any of these. I've been getting so much great feedback on the roses and I'm truly thankful...encouraging nudges go a long way in my tiny universe!
We've got lots more in the works and many many larger format wooden signs coming soon!
If you'd like to bring some of the rosey-ness home...pop over to the shop! :)

Here we are at day 10. I'm really so glad I decided to do this. It is such a happy little creative outlet for me. Something just for me to do. I really am going about it all very casually and not overthinking any of my photos. Just going with my first ideas. glad I am playing along! :) And it really is not too late! Just start at day one! :)

Day 10: A childhood memory

As soon as I read today's assignment I immediately thought of this bunny pin. It is one of my oldest personal treasures. I have had it since the age of 3 or so. (over 30 yrs ) I wonder if this pin is what started my addiction to vintage rabbit collectibles? :)

Ok, Saturday is here...and that means we will be painting like crazy. Iced coffee, loud music, and all sorts of artistic detritus strewn about. xoxo, Jenny

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