Bring On Summer!

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Wishing it was summer already!

Dreaming of summer beach parties

Looking forward to long days at the beach

Can't wait for daylight savings 

Looking forward to summer entertaining with friends

Love relaxing, summer chill out days!

Okay I am getting a bit sick of being stuck indoors on wet and windy days. I have enjoyed the first few chilly weeks of winter with cosy fires, hearty soups and rugged up beach walks but now I'm ready to move on. Bring on summer I say! I think it's time to start planning a holiday up north to tropical Queensland for a burst of sunshine and some warm weather. Loving this summery inspiration - it's the thought of summer just around the corner that keeps me going through the winter months!

Melissah xox

Images via 1, 2, 3, 4-6

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Friday Favorites

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Hey everyone! We made it! It's Friday! This week was seriously just bananas. Plain and simple.  I'm really ready to take a deep breathe and start the weekend. Even if Aaron and I will be working through till Monday it still feels like a weekend when everyone around you changes their patterns, the neighborhood has different sounds, the daily schedule is off, the twelve o'clock whistle doesn't blow...

The heat is back and in full effect here on the NJ Shore. Some people LOVE it...heading right to the beach to bake and take a few dips in the Atlantic. I myself, prefer closed windows, A/C, ice pops, and shade. I love nights on the beach and cooler days at the beach...we're lucky enough to get a lot of those. But when the heat hits it does so in clusters of days. On those days the traffic jams up and millions go to the beach...nope, that would be torture for me. My brother Jason is one of those heat lovers...if he is already sweating he just figures 'why not sweat even more?'

I really wanted to thank you guys for all of the really lovely comments on our hand painted jumbo vintage style wallpaper! We'd truly love to see pics if you decide to get creative and do a pattern of your own!

As I started gathering up my faves for this week I didn't even realize that I had a color theme (or lack of) going on until I was nearly through. I melt for lots of color but I always start with a neutral base and build from there. I kinda see it as colorizing a black and white or sepia photo. 

The above dress makes me think cafe...tea and cookies or coffee and pastries.  

This photo just totally spoke to me! I would move in in a second! This is so so up my alley! Love everything about it! Our new house is also white with black shutters and our plan is to add black and white stripe awnings in the future! They sure would help to block out the heat.

Love this lamp! Always been such a sucker for birdcages. Love this classic shape! I think this would be lovely in our bedroom.

I'm crazy for gift wrap. Any kind of gift wrap! Solid colors, patterns, fancy, plain. This stack from the Ace Hotel is perfection!  

Gosh I remember being in 5th grade and my friend Shannon would open her lunch box everyday to a baggie of 4 Fudge Stripe cookies! It is impossible for me to not think of her when I see them. This recipe for the homemade version looks amazing! I will so be making them!

What are you loving this week? I've been pinning lots of yummy cold summer drinks over on pinterest that I want to try! This one is the first on my list!!

Enjoy your weekend friends!
xo Jenny

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Minimizing Hangovers

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This weekend really marks the beginning of summer party season- barbecue’s, heading to the Princeton Friday and the Springfield on Saturday, having friends over for tropical drinks, and/or enjoying a nice cold beer (or two) after a long work week. For some people, all of these events are fun at the time, but the next day proves to be a dreadful experience due to the loathed HANGOVER.

A hangover occurs after the blood alcohol has returned to zero after excessive alcohol consumption. Alcohol is toxic to the body, so it makes sense that drinking large quantities would wreak havoc on the body. Symptoms of a hangover can include, but are not limited to, headache, weakness, inability to concentrate, decreased activity, fatigue, thirst, dizziness, sensitivity to light and sound, diarrhea, vomiting, sweating, chills, and shaking.

There are many reasons people experience hangovers including dehydration, changes in immune and endocrine metabolite production, build up of toxins (e.g: acetylaldehyde), gastritis, decreased sleep quality and duration, fatty liver, hypoglycemia, congener content of drinks (metabolites that flavor, scent, and color alcoholic beverages), alcohol withdrawal, and due to the obvious fact that alcohol is absolutely toxic to the human body. Alcohol is poison, so it makes sense that you wouldn’t feel that great after drinking it!

If you do choose to drink more than one to two drinks in a day, there are certain measures you can take to minimize the risk of a hangover and to ameliorate the symptoms once you experience them. While there is not a ton of research on hangovers, a few studies have been done in which I draw my recommendations from.

Recommendations to minimize hangovers:
1. Abstain from alcohol!!! (duhh)
2. Drink small, non-intoxicating amounts
…or…. If you must indulge:
3. Consume alcohol that has few congeners (pure ethanol, vodka, and gin)
4. Consume water with and between drinks
5. Consume alcohol with fructose-containing foods such as fruit and fruit juice
6. Consume solid foods that contain carbohydrates with and after drinks (such as bread)
7. Be sure to get a good nights sleep
8. Eat bland cracker-type foods to help with nausea and hypoglycemia
9. Antacids may help with nausea and gastritis
10. Ibuprofen may help with headache symptoms, just be sure not to consume until the next day since your liver cannot process both the alcohol and drugs at the same time!
11. Make sure you have a folate-rich diet which is needed to metabolize ethanol. Folate is found primarily in leafy greens and whole grains.
12. Exercise!

If the thought of a hangover isn’t reason enough to discourage you from drinking, here is some approximate calorie information on some popular alcoholic beverages:

Alcohol and Calorie Content

Alcohol Name
Serving size
Estimated Calories
Blue Moon Belgian White Beer

12 fl oz
Wine- red or white
5 fl oz
Martini glass
Bloody Mary
4 fl oz
Shot of liquor (vodka, rum, gin, etc)
1.5 fl oz
Long Island Iced Tea
12 fl oz
Pina Colada
6 fl oz
Rum & Coke
10 fl oz
Old Fashioned
4 fl oz

If you get a hangover, you most likely didn’t just have one of these drinks. Do the math to see how many hundreds of calories you consume in just a short period from having “a few” drinks. If you start with a Pina Colada, but ease up and just have two light beers afterwards, you’ve already tacked on almost 550 calories to your daily totals. If you are the type that can down a bottle of wine in a night… try to think of it as soda. Most people wouldn’t drink more than a liter of soda in one sitting, so why is alcohol any different?

So at your parties or weddings this weekend I want you to THINK before you DRINK. Think about whether the alcohol is worth the calories and the consequences. Do not drink in excess no matter how high of a tolerance you think you may have- alcohol is toxic, so too much can easily kill you. Have fun, drink responsibly, and Happy 4th of July!

Chapman, LF. Experimental induction of hangover. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol 5(Suppl. 5):67–86, 1970.
"Liver and Alcohol Breakdown." UBM Medica Australia, 21 Sept. 2009. Web. 26 June 2012. <>.
Pawan, GL. Alcoholic drinks and hangover effects. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 32(1):15A, 1973.
Swift R, Davidson D. Alcohol hangover: mechanisms and mediators. Alcohol Health Res World 1998; 22:54–60.
Verster, J. C. (2008). "The alcohol hangover-a puzzling phenomenon". Alcohol and Alcoholism 43 (2): 124–126

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