Energise Your Day

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here's what you need to know...

If you skip breakfast and eat a meager lunch, you may hit a wall by mid-afternoon. By the time you get home, you're ravenous, and at that point your body will not be able to "make up" the nutrients it lost all day. So start your day with a healthy breakfast then eat light mini-meals throughout the day.


2. DON'T BREW, SQUEEZE:Start the day with a glass of hot water, the juice of one-quarter to one-half a lemon, and a pinch of cayenne pepper (and a little honey if you want). This detox staple cleanses the body and gets things moving.

 Borrow this gentle, invigorating exercise from the energy—cultivating practice of qigong. Gently "drum" the insides and outsides of your arms and down your sides and legs with a loosely closed fist; then drum up the insides of your legs, your abdomen and solar plexus, neck, and lower back. This thumping can stimulate the flow of qi and increase circulation— plus, it just feels really good.

Hot-cold hydrotherapy is believed to strengthen immunity, increase circulation, and have a stimulating effect on the body. So, after showering, turn the tab to as cold on for 30 seconds, switch back to warm, and end on cold. 


 Taking a moment to stretch each hour or so throughout the day goes a long way toward preventing stiffness, increasing blood circulation, and giving you a shot of energy. 


 There's a reason you feel so good after exercising. Engaging in vigorous, sweaty exercise for as little as 10 to 30 minutes triggers the release of feel-good chemicals in the brain and has been shown to greatly improve mood. Regular exercise has also been shown to do everything from lowering blood pressure to relieving depression.


{Inspired by BellaMUMMA}

Melissah xox

Images via 1, 2, 34, 5, 6, 7, 8

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Gardeners Beware: Don’t Let Beauty Hurt the Beloved Beast!

Posted by om 0 comments
Who doesn’t love a beautiful garden? All those wonderful sights and smells and for those who love to get their hands dirty, hours spent gardening can be almost as fun as those spent walking their dog. But, all that beauty and outdoorsy activity aside, beware! Though gardens may be healthful and beautiful to us, they can present a very real health hazard to your pet.

As with all things regarding your pet, safety must begin with you. When choosing your plantings, take a little extra time to be certain you’re not selecting plants that can be harmful -- even poisonous! -- to your pet. Not sure what those plants are? The list is startlingly extensive and includes some that are very common in these region including the bulbs of Amaryllis, Autumn Crocus, Daffodil, Day Lily, Gladiolas, Hyacinth, Iris, Lily of the Valley, Narcissus and Tulips.

Growing in the garden itself, beware Cyclamen, Hydrangea, Poinsettia, Charming Diffenbachia, Christmas Rose, Flamingo Plant, Foxglove, Morning Glory, Nightshade, Onion, Tomato Plant, Tropic Snow Dumbcane and though you probably don’t have it growing in your garden, Marijuana is poisonous to dogs, as well.

For a very good working list of plants toxic and non-toxic to dogs and other animals, check this one at the ASPCA web site.

While it’s important to choose pet-safe plants for the areas your animals will spend time, don’t stop there. While many lawn chemicals are actually not harmful to pets, remember to stay aware while choosing them: better to be certain now than sorry later. And don't forget other things like fertilizer, snail bait and other items you might use in your garden.

With a little care you will make sure that the little oasis you’re creating in your yard will be safe and enjoyable for your canine friends as well as your human ones!

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