Friday Favorites

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So totally in love with this dress! See that pretty pattern?...well if you look close you can see that it's actually a repeat of ballon animals!! So this little number has it all...cute pattern, color, and cut. Love how it's sorta vintage apron-ish.

Love love love these golden marbled Easter Eggs! Mixing pastel tones with gold is a look that I just can't get enough of. Most of my fave pieces of jewelry fit into this theme and I think I once described my taste in jewelry as "gilded Easter eggs". Well, these little beauties couldn't possibly capture that aesthetic any better. And guess can make some for yourself! Find the tutorial here.

Ummmmm, this Bunny Butt cake just kills me. I think Easter is the perfect holiday for a fun and funny theme cake. Overall, as far as fun color, and accessories, and little collectible mementos, and bits of decor and ephemeral goodness...Easter has got to be at the top of the holiday list. The only holiday where you can get away with a cake like this...and I LOVE it!

Did your heart just melt? Because mine certainly did. Oh. My. Gosh. I just can't eeeeven! And as if the subject matter wasn't enough, the time and place of this photo make it all the more magical. This newly-born lamb snuggling up to a sleeping boy was snapped in England, in March of 1940.

Ok, so you know that I am sucker for anything old timey general store-esque. This twine and scissor set is perfection to me! It so so so needs to live in our studio! We wrap all of orders with bakery twine and classic brown twine is a go to for brown paper packages. Don't you just love beautiful objects that you can also put to daily use in your work?

Ok, thanks so so much for joining me again for these fabulous Friday Favorites! 

What have you been pinning or wishing for lately? If you blogged it leave me a link! I hope to have some time this weekend to do some blog hopping!! :)

Happy Friday kids!!
XO Jenny

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Weekend Beach Escape

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Here's a little colourful, weekend beach inspiration
For me, weekends are all about kicking back and relaxing.
Eating outdoors, having a drink with friends at a local beach bar
and lots of fun outdoor activities.
Our weekends are always jam packed with ~
fishing, swimming, boogie boarding, beach cricket
and whatever else takes our fancy!

Happy Weekend!

Melissah xox

Images via 1, 2, 34, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 

Check out my other blogs Scrapbook and Country Style Chic

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Walking more throughout the day is better than 1 hour of intense exercise!

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A recent study out of the Netherlands confirms other research studies showing that being more active throughout the day is more important than just one dose of intense exercise. While doing a one-hour spin class is definitely recommended and a great way to burn fat, calories, and improve muscle and cardiovascular performance, if you sit the rest of the day, it is not doing you much good in terms of improving cholesterol and preventing diabetes.

This new study had healthy weight people ages 18-24 participate in 3 different exercise regimes over the course of the study. These regimes included:
 1) No exercise + sitting for 14 hrs/day
2) 1 hr vigorous cycling + sitting for 13 hrs/day
3) Sitting 8 hrs + 4 hours walking + 2 hours standing

The results showed that energy expenditure was the same for the exercise and walking regimes, but those who perform no vigorous exercise and just walked had improved cholesterol and insulin sensitivity compared to when they exercised intensely but sat the rest of the day.

My Recommendations: Don’t stop doing your vigorous exercise! Do one hour of moderate to intense cardio most days of the week PLUS walking as much as you can throughout the day EVERY day! Make a conscious effort to move, or at least stand up, as much as you can. You also need to eat right, cut out the saturated fat and refined carbs. A healthy diet + being active= best chance of living a healthy life. I always recommend getting a good pedometer to see how active you really are- you should be getting at least 10,000 steps per day (+ try to do exercise IN ADDITION to that!). J SIT LESS, MOVE MORE!!!!!!!!

 REFERENCE: Duvivier BMFM, Schaper NC, Bremers MA, van Crombrugge G, Menheere PPCA, et al. (2013) Minimal Intensity Physical Activity (Standing and Walking) of Longer Duration Improves Insulin Action and Plasma Lipids More than Shorter Periods of Moderate to Vigorous Exercise (Cycling) in Sedentary Subjects When Energy Expenditure Is Comparable

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