Embrace Life

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Here are 20 simple tips to follow to help you on your way
 to getting the most out of your life in 2013.

 1. Balance your energy.
  2. Recharge your batteries.
3. Refuse to argue.
 16. Balance your diet.
  4. Sleep sound.
  5. Persevere.
 6. Feel and express gratitude.
 7. Give up self put-downs.
 8. Develop your intuition.
 9. Learn to hold your own hand.
  10. Accept your physical appearance.
11. Keep your cool.
 12. Vent in a positive way.
 13. Speak kindly of yourself.
14. Be brave.
 15. Learn to calm yourself.
 16. Listen to music.
17. Make the most of every opportunity.
18. Inject some fun into your day
19. Be kind
20 Start fresh each day.

Melissah xox
{Credits:  image, text source: The Bold Life}

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Goodbye 2012!

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Oh goodness. I don't think I've ever wanted a year to end like I want 2012 to...in my entire life.  The past few months have just been so trying and harsh. I've felt like a rag doll tossed around. Some words that come to mind...exhaustion, fear, loss...

But on the contrary...there are also some amazing words...like hope, kindness, friendship, support, care, community, art. 

If you are a long time follower of Everyday is a Holiday, I thank you so very much for allowing me to share a bit of my life with you. What I've come to find is that the worst thing you can feel is Alone. And seriously, I want to thank you for giving me one more place where I'll never feel that way. I'm thrilled to be a part of your day.
And If you are a newer reader I am just so happy to have made a connection. To know that something here interested you, maybe made you smile, brightened your day, and made you feel that you had a kindred spirit out there...in me.  

The first few months of 2013 will be a carry over of the Hurricane Sandy aftermath. But I choose to see through different eyes. More hope and faith and light heartedness. The opposite emotions just seem to come too easy. I've never been one to take the easy way out. And I bet the same goes for you guys. One thing that's most likely a common thread in all of us who gather here is that we have the spirit of creativity running through us. And I don't mean that you must be an artist. Creative thinking goes a long way in all facets of life. It's what you have to do when you lose something, when your back is to the wall, when it looks like there isn't an answer.
There aren't too many things that I have utter distaste for. But one thing I really really don't like are question marks. So I try to erase as many of 'em as I can. So that's definitely a big to-do for this upcoming year...Answer as many unknowns as I can.

There is lots to look forward to this year. We vow to make it a GREAT chapter in our book of life.

As for some goals...

more blogging
more personal creating 
more teaching 
more reading
more exercise
more adventures
more family time
more friend time

less worry 
less sadness
less junk food
less question marks

New Year , New You
let that be a total understatement. 

"Hey 2013 I am sooooo ready for you!!"

Wishing you all the very best this coming year!
Lots of Love!
xo Jenny

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Happy New Year

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Tonight I am going to a beach party.
It will be a pretty casual affair thongs (flip flops) and shorts.
All the locals go with their kids and it's quite a fun night
- if the weather holds up!
I'm looking forward to sausages cooked up on a the beach barbeque
wrapped up in a slice of white bread with 
 a glass of champagne in the other hand,
... a typical Aussie way to ring in the New Year!

Happy New Year everyone

wherever you are in the world
whatever you end up doing!

Melissah xox

{Images via 1-4, 5a, 5b, 6,  all edited by Coastal Style}

Check out my other blogs Scrapbook and Country Style Chic

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I fell down the rabbit hole (aka Instagram)

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I know I know... I'm so so late to this party. And to be 100% honest I'm here due to receiving one of the most unexpected, uncalled for, over generous, totally bananas joint gifts from Aaron's brother this year! Aaron's brother is known for giving...umm...creatively weeeird gifts. Like a little "learn to play the harmonica" kit, or a random xxl adidas jacket, a glass head, or a big giant black bag full of stuff from Five Below (discount store wherein all things are below 5 bucks...had to clarify in case it's not a national chain.) ...So, needless to say, when he handed us this small box we were all ready to be creatively and weirdly surprised. But this time he went too far......an IPAD?!! like what in the heck?! Way too much. Holy Crow! The outfit and hat we bought him being blown away in comparison. 
But he's like that. Always full of surprises and unfazed by how grateful you are. He's just like..."yeah, no big deal." And it's really crazy because he hails from one of the worst storm ravaged towns here on the shore. His apartment is GONE. But I guess he figured "when it rains it pours"...literally. 
So what I'm getting at is....I'm now on Instagram and thrilled to join the fun! Still have an old school style phone in my pocket...but I can now Instagram along with the rest of you futuristic guys and dolls via my IPAD. Thrilled. 

So yes...We are losing our minds over apps and options. And Instagram has owned the last 24 hours for us. ha! I know you are giggling at me right now.  Geez it is so fun! (welcome to the 2010's Jenny)
I think I need to get one of our very own Keep Calm and Have a Cupcake Ipad cases maybe. Well anyway, I look forward to more interaction with all of you. And I hope to see some fab end of the year images over these next couple of days.
Today we are off to Home Depot to pick up supplies, paint, primers etc. It's going to be a really busy week for us. 

So yes yes...if you are on Instagram let me know! And if you'd like to follow me...


Be back soon!
xo Jenny

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Summer Brights

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ACID brights are making an eye catching, head turning appearance this summer. Bright fluoro colours provide the perfect highlight colour for your summer wardrobe. Inspired by the glow sticks and Wham t-shirts of the eighties, this season's neon colour palette has a fresh, new modern twist.

Floro brights

Melissah xox

Images via 1, 2, 3-4

Check out my other blogs Scrapbook and Country Style Chic

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Before I start can I preface this with...ummm, do you see this adorable little one above?! That's our niece Olivia. She's my Brother Richard's daughter and she seems to have this face on for the majority of the day. More about her in a minute. I'll bring you guys briefly up to speed on my Holiday etc...
Once again, Christmas has passed in a blink. My whole family keeps saying that they can't believe that Christmas even happened. But I have to admit that the past few days have been quite abnormal for my entire family. My parent's came to visit almost two weeks ago. They wanted to check in on us post hurricane Sandy and my dad gave us some advice and input pertaining to the repairs needed in our home. 

So, after their regular scheduled visit they then made the 6 plus hour drive back to their place way in upstate NY. But upon arrival up there my dad got the call that his mom, my Nana, had passed away.  So they had to make a very somber drive right back down here. And since I'm trying to keep this brief and light I'll skip any talk of what was obviously a sad time for everyone in my family. But I will say that despite the circumstances it was a blessing to see all of my loved ones together in one place over the past couple of days.

Ok, now that my parent's are back down here they are staying through the New Year and we'll be getting together with everyone over at my brother Richard's place...which is the home of...you guessed it...this little adorable ball of jumping joy known as Olivia!  

This little munchkin really keeps us smiling. She is so much fun to be around. Always happy...such a good baby. My parent's are on cloud 9 with her. And so are my brother and his girl.

As I've been saying ad nauseam...it's been so so cold here!! And I don't mean here in New Jersey...because that goes without saying...but here in my home! The storm left us barren under our floorboards after flood waters washed the insulation out. And something screwy is going on with our heating system. We can't even stand to be downstairs for more that a few minutes at a time. 
So we were So excited when these two fabulous gents from Speedy showed up! They really lived up to their name and by midday we had new foam insulation filling our crawlspace. And we are lucky because these guys are friends of my brother Walt...if this wasn't the case we'd never ever have gotten an appointment with them. They are booked solid with all the storm ravaged homes in our area. 
We are still cold due to the heating system being on the fritz...but at least the floors beneath our feet are above freezing temperature. We have so so much to do to our home to make it a comfortable living space. It will be a long road. We've got big celebrating to do for New Years, because despite how bad it is...it could have been way worse. And that seems to be the spirit with everyone around here. You really wouldn't believe the resiliency of the New Jersey Shore. We'll all be kicking into high gear in the New Year!

I look forward to taking some time over this weekend to catch up on my fave blogs to see how everyone's Holidays went over.
And as usual, I'll do my best to keep you posted. xo, Jenny 

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Summer Shimmer

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with these expert tips on how to pull off shimmering highlighter... 

(Seriously, you'll be amazed at the difference these tips will make!!!!)

Let skin glow. For a subtle sheen, mix a pea-size drop of highlighter with foundation in your palm before applying. The right shade leaves only a glow on the skin—as opposed to depositing colour. Usually, this means silvery pink for fair skin, golden tints for olive skin, and bronze highlighter for dark skin.

Define your cheekbones. Apply a shimmery powder with a big, fluffy brush to just the highest point of your cheekbones, and blend. Remember to apply it after blush, so your cheeks aren't lighter than the rest of your face.

Strike a balance. If your makeup plan involves strong, smoky eyes, highlighter can add a radiance to your skin that will keep you from looking too goth. Try dusting a shimmering nude powder on the cheekbones, chin, and above the bow of the mouth for a look that's “an extreme version of natural.”

Brighten your eyes. For wide-open eyes, use a thin brush to dab a light, a shimmery shadow into the inner corners of your eyes. Then, keeping the brush as close to the lower lash line as possible, drag it outward to create a very thin line.

Pucker up. Highlighter can even give lipstick a boost. I Choose a highlighter close to your skin tone, with just a hint of shimmer. Apply a dot on your lips, spread it with your finger, and then swipe on a layer of your lipstick. Use a lip brush to add more of either product for your desired shade.

Don't forget the rest. A touch of shimmer isn't just for your face: you can also massage a dot of pearlized cream into the shoulders and collarbones - focus on the tops of the bones so it looks like the light is catching them. For a finishing touch, slather your legs with tinted moisturiser and runs highlighter down the shin bones.

Melissah xox

{Pic: Bella Mumma / Source: Allure}

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Go Slow and Don't Yo-Yo! (When it comes to weight loss)

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It’s the beginning of a New Year, and we all know that means tons of New Year’s resolutions, which typically revolve around losing weight, starting an exercise program, and/or trying to eliminate unhealthy habits. Too many people give up on healthy eating and exercise during December and give themselves the freedom to gain a few pounds during the holidays. Many think: “Oh I will just lose the weight in January.” While you may be the type of person that knows you will be successful at losing the weight come January, you are also probably like the majority of people that end up gaining back that weight by the following December (since you know for a fact you can lose it- you must have lost, regained, and lost before, right?). If you think a few pound weight fluctuation isn’t a big deal, think again! A new study out of Wake Forest found that post-menopausal women who lose weight and gain some (even just a mere 5 lbs!) of it back increase their risk for heart disease and diabetes.

In the study, 80 obese women lost 25 pounds on average over 5 months, which significantly improved their cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes risk factors. A year later, 2/3 of the women had regained at least 4 lbs, with most of them regaining over 17 pounds. The researchers found that for women who regained just some weight returned to their baseline level of risk factors for CVD, and specifically, diabetes risk factors got worse- and they didn’t even regain ALL the weight they initially lost! Daniel Beavers, one of the researchers for the study stated:

Women who regained 4.4 pounds or more in the year following the weight-loss intervention had several worsened cardiovascular and diabetes risk factors [. . .] What was striking about the women who regained weight was that although they did not return to their full baseline weight on average -- women only regained about 70 percent of lost weight -- several chronic disease risk factors were right back at baseline values and in some cases, particularly for the diabetic risk factors, slightly worse than baseline values [. . .] Meanwhile, women who maintained their weight loss a year later managed to preserve most of the benefits.

So, the message is clear: if you are going to lose weight, you better be 100% motivated to stick with that lifestyle forever. You need to change your eating and exercise habits to keep the weight off for good, or you may end up just hurting yourself in the end (by getting diabetes or having a heart attack!). There are even studies showing that when people lose and regain, more of that weight gained back is fat as compared to the baseline level.This is yet more proof why diets don’t work!

My recommendation: Vow never to give yourself permission to gain weight or to go on “a diet” again. You must be committed to following a healthy lifestyle and keeping the weight off for good. Try to maintain your weight during holidays and vacations, and do not lose weight if you are not 100% devoted to keeping it off. If you think rationally, it just doesn’t make sense that it would be okay to overindulge and be sedentary for a period of time, then soon after to go on a strict diet and exercise regime. Extremes are never healthy, so practice “everything in moderation” and ask yourself whether you are really motivated to change your lifestyle FOR GOOD!


Daniel Beavers, Ph.D., assistant professor, department of biostatistics, Public Health Sciences, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, N.C.; Gregg Fonarow, M.D., spokesman, American Heart Association, and professor, cardiology, University of California, Los Angeles; Samantha Heller, M.S., R.D., exercise physiologist and clinical nutrition coordinator, Center for Cancer Care, Griffin Hospital, Derby, Conn.; Dec. 13, 2012,Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, online

Reinberg, Stephen. "Yo-Yo Dieting Can Hurt the Heart, Study Finds." Yo-Yo Dieting Can Hurt the Heart, Study Finds. HealthDay, 13 Dec. 2012. Web. 20 Dec. 2012.

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Memories of Noosa

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Noosa Main Beach - Noosa Heads

Locals and tourists flock to the beach

The Noosa restaurants lived up to their reputation

A packed beach on Christmas Day

Beachside Dining

Our table at Berardo's

Another favourite restaurant - Sails

Freshly caught seafood

My fave restaurant - Berardos on the Beach

Spaghetti Marinara

A very cool car!

Busy Hastings Street - great shopping!

A healthy breakfast

The pool and swim-up bar at the Sheraton

Beautiful beaches

Snow cones to cool you down!

A local sand sculptor creates a magical 'sandcastle' daily

Lit up at night

This year we decided to mix things up a bit and do something totally out of the ordinary for Christmas. So we booked in at the Sheraton in Noosa for 5 days over Christmas. It was warm and balmy and buzzing with people. Noosa has a great vibe with stylish restaurants, stunning beaches, chic holiday makers, designer shops and pristine National parks. The 5 days were spent unwinding and relaxing after a busy and exciting year. Then there were seafood buffets, shopping on Hastings street, beachside dining, cocktails by the pool and lots of walks to make up for the desserts and daily gelatis! Noosa has now officially become one of my favourite Aussie destinations.

I hope everyone at a wonderful Christmas!

Melissah xox

Check out my other blogs Scrapbook and Country Style Chic

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Walking on Susnhine

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With everyone on holidays ~
dive into summer and all it has to offer :
There's long summer days,
icy treats to keep you cool
vibrant colours and fun, summer fashion
relaxed beach days
outdoor entertaining and delicious seafood.

Melissah xox

Images via 1, 2, 3, 4a, 4b, 5a, 5b, 6, 7

Check out Coastal Style on tumblr and Pinterest

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Merry Christmas

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I hope everyone has a safe and happy Christmas

with loved ones, friends and family
~ enjoying all the merriment that Christmas has to offer!

Hope you all have truly beautiful day!

Melissah xox

{Image via Sally Lee By The Seaedited by Coastal Style}  

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Merry Christmas!

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I've already mentioned that emotions are running high here, the past few months have been so trying for so many. What a test of strength this has been for us all. I am just beyond grateful for the love and support shown to me and Aaron as well as our community. Our online friends mean a lot to us. You guys are the reason we've gotten through so much and continue to move forward with hope and faith. My mind and heart are just brimming right now.  My parents will be arriving in NJ late tonight, after a 6 hour drive from upstate NY, the original plans were to come to Jersey for New Years Eve, but sadly my Nana passed away and we are now planning her services for this week.  Sigh.

Though we've lost our Christmas tree and 98% of our treasured vintage Holiday decorations I am so so happy to have a few remaining treasures.  What you see here is the extent. These few pieces. But I love them dearly. The above vintage ornament tree in a teacup, the vintage cardboard putz house, a big aqua bottle brush tree from Cody Foster, and some tiny pink and blue glass bells that I am displaying on some painted branches.  That's all. But they really do make me happy. And they will mean even more to me now. 

(see this topper? Well Aaron's parent's have had it since 1962! It was purchased in a little luncheonette/Variety store in Iselin NJ! )

We are so blessed to have Aaron's parent's and their beautiful, fun and festive home to spend Christmas.  Aaron's dad Skip turns their Victorian farmhouse into a Winter Wonderland! It's always so warm and inviting. We'll be going out to dinner with them tonight...a tradition. :)

No matter what your beliefs are or what you celebrate.  Aaron and I want you to know that we truly love you guys to bits and are so incredibly thankful for your kindness, love and support!  
From the NJ Shore...Merry Merry Christmas!
xo J&A

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