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Holiday Safety Tips for Your Pet

The biggest safety hazard consistently witnessed by petsitters during the holidays is a pet’s access to dangerous materials in the home that can be easily ingested.
Other hazards noted were electrical appliances left on in the home, a pet’s access to dangerous plants, holiday food and decorations and issues related to weather.
Some of the most frequently recommended cautions are:
Holiday treats, such as rich, fatty scraps, bones from pork and poultry, alcoholic beverages, chocolate and other sweets and candies can be harmful or toxic to pets.
Pine tree water can be poisonous, so be sure to cover open tree stand bases. The tree should be secure to the wall with strong wire or twine because a toppling tree can cause serious injuries to dogs and cats.
Keep these poisonous holiday plants away from pets: the berries of the mistletoe, holly, hibiscus, Christmas roses and the poinsettia.
Many holiday decorations are hazardous to pets. If decorations are not pet-friendly, keep them, as well as lights, out of a pet’s reach.  House fires increase considerably during holidays.
Remember, the most common pet-related emergency that occurs over the holidays is the consumption of human pharmaceuticals. Make sure all prescription and non-prescription drugs are safely stored.

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