Happy Friday! The week has flown by, hasn't it? A few days ago our pipes froze to our kitchen sink and dishwasher and despite an effort involving a blowdryer...we have not been able to thaw them out. It's humorous to think that we're pining for Monday...when the temp will reach a whopping 34 degrees in hopes that this will be enough of an increase to thaw us out. We are currently averaging like 12 or 15 degrees. Oh well, still happy it's Friday. Happy to be sitting in front of the space heater making art. And happy to be able to share my Friday Favorites with you guys!
In my precious collectibles and artwork you will find lots and lots of color. But my wardrobe would look right at home in any of my favorite Hitchcock films. Black & White. I'm totally a cardigan girl, and this one is so fab. In fact, I'm down with the whole ensemble above...just need some tights in this cold!
I've been a fan of Banter Banners for a while now and when this style showed up in a Fab.com sale I thought it would be perfect in our bedroom. Boo Hoo for me though...they sold out super duper fast. But Hooray for Bantar banners that they did so well! They offer a create your own banner which of course I could do...but man, Fab.com discounts really rule.
By now you know I'm a sucker for lighting...industrial type especially. And wall mounted task lamps make me pretty happy. I'm really loving this one, and wondering where I could use it. But this probably is a question for a later date...when repairs are further along and our house makes some sorta sense again.
Ok raise your hand if you are cookie crazy! Are these just the cutest, prettiest things ever? Who knows if they taste good? In my experience though, when peeps put so much care into the esthetics of a cookie...they usually taste fantastic. I'm betting these do.
But still, I'd wanna shellac these things and save 'em forever and ever and ever! (don't get me started on the "faux cake" I ordered on ebay like 10 years ago! The lady glued REAL coconut flakes all over it! Not a good idea.)
Big ups to designs with stamina. I was so happy to see that our Keep Calm And Have A Cupcake gift bags and journals are still available at Paper Source! Man this many years after the initial Keep Calm frenzy and they are going strong! Totally took on a life of their own! :) And three cheers for cupcakes!
I LOVE this pillowcase set! Another Fab.com find! Man, I love so many of their selections! This designer had 2 other styles that I adored as well. Total typography lovers over here!
Speaking of Typography...
Love this video
Ok, stay warm, keep positive. Happy Friday!
xo, Jenny...and Aaron sends love!