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Style Crush: Thomas Wold

The moment I first laid eyes on one of Thomas Wold's furniture creations, I guess it was a couple years ago, I was completely sold on the concept. I think the fact that I have a background in furniture fabrication and restoration has a bit to do with it...but of course it's more than that. I love that each creation relies on salvage. I love that you can describe them with two words that never appear side by side: "furniture collage"... because that's what these are. And I love art that simply cannot be separated from it's roots in decor. 

They're sculptures with function made from individual elements that each have their own history. The pieces are simultaneously chaotic and perfectly balanced...and if 'perfectly balanced chaos' isn't a contradiction, I don't know what is. 

They appear to be teeter tottering on the brink of collapse and completely solid & sturdy at the same time. And the attention to detail doesn't stop with their construction. The color choices...the placement and balance...are perfect. And I'm a big fan of flea markets. I love hunting down antiques and picking through junk shops. I can't help but think that some of these pieces look like the ultimate weekend haul, all stacked up, my pile of vintage treasures. 

Yes, I'm definitely a big big fan.
xo, Jenny 

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