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Seaside Dining


We have a little restaurant in my coastal town that is a quaint, little weatherboard building with a big deck out the front. It has a superb position opposite the river and the foreshore looking out to sea. The food is good but the restaurant itself is painted a terracotta colour - a left over from the Mediterranean Provincial look so popular in the eighties. It is now very tired looking and out of date but what's so frustrating is that it has enormous potential to be so stylish and chic. The amazing thing is that it wouldn't cost a lot to transform it into a white and grey Hampton's style eatery that all the locals would be queuing up for reservations! All it needs is a lick of pain, new chairs, updated artwork and some coloured scatter cushions to give it a bit of personality. This gorgeous little Italian restaurant 'Officina del Mare' on the Italian coast has it all figured it out with great styling and lovely attention to detail.

Melissah xox

Images via Shabby Soul Blog

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