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It's a Snow Day!

Well it's officially winter here on the NJ Shore! It's a real deal Snow Day! Nothing close to what my parents have gotten in upstate NY, or what we have been seeing across the country. The news and Instagram are chock full of "snowpocalypse". But we've got 3 inches or so, and it's still coming down...very prettily I may add! 
We are in full on Elf mode...working round the clock on orders and doing as much as we can production line style. But I must tell you...our December Daily supplies took over much of the work table in the studio (see above), so we have orders drying and piling up on every surface in every other room. Hey, it happens! What can you do? right? (those last couple lines are supposed to sound like I'm convincing myself just as much as I'm convincing you. :))
Right now with the Holiday rush there truly isn't a line between personal space and workspace anyway. 

Speaking of December Daily...of course we are a bit behind, but that was expected. We've been doing our best to chip away and take a few mins here and there when we need a break from work. When you are doing something creative for yourself it's best to just do it even if you know you're going to fall behind. That is way better than not doing it at all.

Here is the cover. Those trees are vintage wrapping paper, and that house is one of our own original paintings. You can find similar houses on our Christmas sticker sheets here. Which happen to be 25% off with code: Holiday25 

This is my newest vintage paper pack from my fave ephemera gal... Lisa Cook. Isn't it all absolute perfection?! I want to eat it all!  

Oh... The winner for Lisa's Giveaway was chosen and announced over on Lisa's blog here. Congrats! And thanks to everyone who entered! Stay tuned...we will definitely be working with Lisa again soon! 

See this? Well I see it in my sleep these days. Ornaments galore! Lots and lots and lots of them! And these will all be shipping out to happy new homes tomorrow! If you ordered one or a few we'd LOVE to see pics of them hanging on your tree! Or tied to gifts, or hanging from chandeliers...

This happens to be a tiny pile....which grew and grew as the day went on. My cutting station. Me in front of a plug in heater...cutting till my hands no longer work. #elflife 

And here is Aaron adding antiquing washes to a batch of Starlet ornaments

This face! You know what this face is? It's his..."mom pick me up so I can be glued to your side in front of the heater" face. 

And here is what happens when he gets his wish! ha!

Well, back to work! Just wanted to pop in and say hi, and to let you guys know what we are up to over here! 

Hope you are staying warm and have been finding a few minutes to do some holiday crafting! We'd love to see your Christmas crafts and December Daily albums!

Love from the NJ Shore, 
xo Jenny...and Aaron says hi!

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