Over the years, like any couple that has been together for 20 of 'em, or any self employed artist duo in business for that same said span of time, me and Aaron have definitely weathered our share stress filled storms. And in the end, going through those very bad times is good for you. I think the two of us have gotten to be experts at keeping our daily existence very Light. We focus on doing things that we are good at...which seems like a no brainer...but you'd be surprised at how the simplest things can slip through your grasp. And the second part of doing the things you are good at is...Sharing the things you are good at. It's so very rewarding when you do that thing you love to do, and then you show it to everyone, and then a whole bunch of those peeps identify with it...or better yet...are inspired by it.
We whole heartedly acknowledge that we are very lucky in this department.
So this past week or so has been testing our confidence a bit...our stress and worry threshold has been flexed and our defenses are wearing down. Aaron's mom has been in the hospital this week, and after a lot of speculation the doctors finally came to a solution, and a minimally invasive surgical procedure was performed on her spine Monday. She is in recovery now, but once healed, the procedure should alleviate the excruciating/debilitating pain she has been in for the past couple of weeks. Aaron is very close with his mom...talks to her every day...she's a big part of our life. So seeing her in pain and the whole uncertainty of figuring out what it was and how to fix it has been nerve racking. The thing is...she is a stoic by nature, so when she is laid up and complaining and wincing and moaning...then you know its gotta hurt worse than you can even imagine. She brushes everything off..her go-to line is "I'm fine."...so when all of the sudden she says "I'm not fine."...then it's time to worry.
Ok, so I'm a big worrier by nature and I've had a heavy flutter in my chest for days. We're thrilled to know now that she should be coming home within a day or so, the only thing holding up her return is that the Doc might want her to do some physical rehab while she's still under hospital care...just to get things moving in the right way. So it's looking good.
And now I want to acknowledge a couple of the things that have helped us deal.
Today's mail brought a very happy surprise. A package all the way from England! Ohh I tell you that I am just smiling so big right now. Last week, the day before my Uncle Lou's funeral I checked in on Instagram and saw that I was tagged in a photo... Ahh!! I just about fell over! No it wasn't an old junior high pic or an awkward family photo...it wasn't the bad kind of falling over...it was the kind of falling over that goes along with finding out that I was the winner of a giveaway!! And it was on one of my absolute favorite shops/blogs Tea And Kate. I couldn't believe my eyes! I won one of the key items that has always been on my dream shopping list! Like WAY at the top of my list! So finding out that I won was a bright spot during that stressful time...and now, the physical arrival of my prize shines an even brighter light on this stress-filled week. Oh...and I've blogged about my prize in the past...I guess this way too fabulous mint Lotus bowl was fated to be mine!
I love the box, with it's little biographical history on the side...
The iconic "lotus" pattern was designed in 1963 by Norwegian artist Arne Clausen. He was employed as a decorator at the Norwegian factory Cathrineholm, and his design soon became one of their most popular items. The famous lotus pattern is considered one of the most powerful examples of timeless Scandinavian design.
And this timeless classic now happily resides on my mantle! I am just so in love with it! I'm not sure where it will permanently live just yet. It will probably visit a few vignettes around the house! It looks equally happy in the living room, kitchen and studio.
Ok, remember what i said about sharing? Well, I wanted to share a little bit from my new Art Journal. I really had no plans at all when I sat down with this page. One of the things I love most about my new Journal is that the pages aren't a permanent fixture. They are loose and I can work on them as individual pieces of art, and then insert them into the Journal when I'm all done.
This page really was "art as therapy". I had a bunch of anxiety yesterday and I really needed to get my mind off of things. I started with a stencil and some misting, and then a wash of pale pink over it all. And then I commenced with absolutely no thoughts...just totally in the zone. I laid down a big blop of aqua...and moved it around until I had this odd organic shape. It felt right to me.
I had this little gal in one of my ephemera boxes and knew I had to use her. I'm not a fan of the color peach, so she needed a wardrobe change. Using tracing paper and some floral scrapbooking paper I reproduced her dress in a "fabric" that works for me. I painted her socks and hair bow as well.
I really had no idea where the page was going. It seriously just happened. And like I mentioned the other day... Journaling for me is indeed an escape from the heavy stuff life can saddle you with. I really can lighten my load in simply using candy colors and cute happy bits.
I think the message is pretty clear here! Ha! Oh the wisdom of an innocent little girl. I swear to you...I don't know how or why...but this works for me. By the time a page like this has come together...I too have come together.
Thanks so much for letting me share! Today in Jersey it's super hot and gross outside, what else is new? Fortunately, me and Aar don't shovel asphalt for a living. Instead, we are working on some orders, and some other artful things...and very much looking forward to Aaron's mom making a speedy recovery.
Hope you guys are enjoying some summer fun!
xo Jenny...and Aaron says hi!