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Sponsor Everyday is a Holiday in May!

Well April is coming to a close. It was a busy, exciting, fun month. I shared some big news about our upcoming book, as well as our next teaching gig...which me and Aaron are sooo excited about! I've been seeing and hearing from lots of new friends and readers. And I feel like things are starting to finally come together for us. Our home is beginning to shape up a bit. Big post storm repairs are underway. And our plans, big and small, are closer to being realized. So I guess it truly is Springtime for Everyday is a Holiday!

The merry month of May is upon us! This has traditionally been our most creative time of year as an artist duo. We've got big deadlines that we're on the verge of closing out and we just know that the vacuum is going to fill up quick with all new projects, DIY's on the blog, tutorials, quick craft ideas, home improvement, decor...and of course FOOD! Expect lots of recipes.
We're expecting lots more traffic and this would be the perfect time to advertise on Everyday is a Holiday. I feel like I've been able to connect more with our readers lately and what I've always assumed seems to be actually true. Peeps who visit Everyday is a Holiday lean towards a creative, artful lifestyle. They love to make things with their hands and support artists who make things with their hands. They've got style, and love to cook and bake.
Does this sound like you? More importantly...does this sound like the people you'd like to hang with, chat with, and laugh with? If so...we'd love to hear from you! It's time to expand your own blog audience, get your art or products seen by the eyes of more like-minded peeps. Our feature spot is booked through September but we still have large spots which include a group spotlight containing photos and links...and there are medium ads to be had as well! If you'd like all the deets on this front be sure to pop over to our Sponsor info page.

May is going to be a great month!

xo Jenny & Aaron

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