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Show & Tell: Vintage Valentines

Hey friends!
I'm loving all of the Valentine inspired crafts, recipes, decorations, and DIYS that I've been seeing all throughout blogland, Instagram and of course pinterest! :) I cannot cannot cannot tell you how happy I am that my Vintage Valentine collection was spared in the Hurricane! I have been collecting them for well over 18 yrs! I have hundreds! Some dating back to the 20s! You know that I am a pink gal and if I had to choose between pink and red, pink would be the winner. But Valentine's Day is just SO FUN! and I just couldn't live without the classic red. It is dazzling! Gosh, I have memories of grade school Valentine's Day parties and baking cupcakes to bring to my class. One year...I think it was 2nd grade...we constructed these little "mailboxes" from paper plates, a hole punch, and yarn. We made them look like they had sewn edges and we decorated them with paint & glitter and then hung them from the back of our desks. During our party everyone walked down the rows placing their Valentine's in each of the mailboxes. We would then to take them home to open that night. It was sooo exciting! Some of my happiest memories are of holiday classroom parties! I loved making the classroom decorations the week or so beforehand. It was so fun seeing them hang on bulletin boards and in the windows!

I've been collecting these adorable little ephemeral pronouncements of love for so many years. Picking them up at antique shops, on ebay, at yard sales...etc. I love seeing the distinct fonts and trends of each era.

This may be my favorite. It is the largest I double the size of the others. Probably one that you'd reserve for that extra special someone. And despite it's age, the little pull tag at the bottom is still functional.

A little tug opens her eyes and reveals a space for the message.

The cards of the past were so much more substantial than today's little throw aways. I adore this one with these two cuties...

ahhh that little mirror image kills me! And what a gent that Roy D. must've been.

Oh those adorable rosy cheeks!

And this dapper fella with his top hat, cane...and cigar!

I'm sensing that mom filled this one out dated 1929!

Jeez look at these little guys! Brown paper packages and bellhops! Oh those uniforms!

I love seeing these little notes...Roy D makes another appearance!

yowza Ronald! 

How cuuute is this one?! My dad tells me about his time in Catholic school back when he was growing up in New York City's upper west side back in the 40s and 50s. Kids constantly being made to wear Dunce hats!

I seriously am brought to tears when I look through these old treasures. Through the ages they came into my possession...all this adorable imagery, the scrawled messages from the kids...and now I get to keep them and use them in art projects and share their cuteness with everyone. 

Do you collect vintage Valentine's? Have you blogged them? I'd love to see them! Leave me a link in the comments!

If you'd like to start your own collection pop over to ebay or etsy! Some sellers list them in bunches! :) Instant collection!

Happy February kids!
xo Jenny

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