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when all else fails...

Hey guys!
How was your weekend? It was mega hot here on the N.J. Shore. Big floor fans in full effect! We've got the AC going in the bedroom in order to sleep at night, but it just seems way too soon in the season to actually button up all the windows in the house and put the central air on. Though I'm pretty sure that mindset may change very soon. We're all dewy over here, and sweating and painting don't mix. 
One thing the heat will do is mellow you out. The mood this weekend was a bit slow but productive at the same time. Aaron and I spent most of our time working on orders, organizing, and painting. 

Speaking of painting. I had this phrase in my head and just needed to paint it. It's actually something I've fell back on more than a few times. You can ask anyone in my family...there have been moments of uncertainty, or even chaos...and next thing you know, I've got the mixing bowls out. Some might view this response as a little bit nuts. But it works for me. Baking requires a certain amount of zen and the zen is contagious...not to mention the sweet rewards in the end. 
 You can take this phrase to heart or it can just be a whimsical little saying. We're going to be creating a whole series of these and have a few versions in the works now. I couldn't wait to share these two with you. They're in the shop you you can join the mission too! They are 8x10 and come matted and ready to frame.

xo Jenny

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