Okay, so if I’m very honest, in my heart and in my house, it’s National Pet Week all the time. And, truly, if you’re reading this, you probably think so, too. But I also like the idea of seven whole days set aside to give special thoughts to our dear household companions. The animals who share our lives and, perhaps most especially, those pets who have not been able to gain the sort of security that our own beloved companions enjoy.

According to the National Pet Week web site, “The goals of National Pet Week are to promote responsible pet ownership, celebrate the human-animal bond, and promote public awareness of veterinary medicine.” Which I guess is open enough to interpretation that you can do what you like with the occasion, provided you do something positive! Here are some ideas:
- Take your best friend for a walk!
- Learn more about your pet and what he requires to be both healthy and happy.
- Have a peek at local pet-related charities and give to one whose message resonates with you.
- Think about what you can do for less fortunate pets in your area: even if it’s something very small. (Every bit helps!)
- Give your canine pal a scratch or a tickle and think about all the things she does for you!
And, most importantly, enjoy your pets every single day of the year!