One of the things that make me feel very lucky is the fact that my darling dogs have been photographed by what I consider to be some of the top photographers in the land. As a result, I have many wonderful photographs of my dogs from over the years. Looking at them all, I know that I’ve had more great photos than is probably my share!

Now all of that said, some of my very favourite photos were taken by Angie Wojciechowska of
Off-Leash Photography in Vancouver. In fact, the photos she did for me of Casey and Finnigan last fall right after Casey was really sick are some of the most cherished photos of them that I have. So, naturally, when Angie told me she was running a special for the balance of May, I wanted to rush to tell you about it while there was still some of the month left and you might have a chance to book Angie’s services.
The offer is exclusive to Love on a Leash’s readers and clients, so make sure you tell Angie where you saw it when you book! She’s offering 1/2 off a photo session. A full session is usually $300, but for the balance of May, it is only $150. which includes your pet’s sitting and three high resolution files. Angie says that other options are available, including her
fantastic coffeetable-style photo books, that look terrific in this link but are even more beautiful and moving in person.
To see more of Angie’s work, you can see an article we did about her
last year, here. You can visit Angie’s
web site here, or call 604-618-2236 to book a sitting for your pet.