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a little Sunshine on a rainy day

Hey kids!
Happy May! Here on the N.J. Shore we are experiencing some residual April showers that are really making us long for those May flowers. It sure ain't digging ditches, but being an artist...the long concentrated hours of working with your hands...definitely results in aches and pains every time a gray rainy day comes along. So sunny days are a hot commodity for us folks who should be way too young to have all these aching joints.
 Right now it's May 2nd...halfway to Cinco de Mayo...and we're doing our best to channel some sunshine. In our artwork and decor we've got kind-of a tight color palette...and yellow has never been the focal point. But there's something about yellow that sets every other color off. I guess the same way that the sun ignites every flower in the garden, every leaf on the tree.


Sending you love and sunshine,
xo Jenny

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