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Bling for Your Pet

Dog Gone Tags makes bling for the non-human in your life. You have it, they tag it for you, using a blend of colorful mixed metals and fun stamps for your furry best friends, wine glasses, luggage, books, even as key rings.

The metals Dog Gone Tags use are nickel silver, yellow brass and copper. No other coloring is used. They apply a patina to the metals to bring out the details in the work. As each piece is made by hand, they are all slightly different and the amount of patina also varies. They use templates to cut the pieces from sheet metal and these are also handmade, creating still more subtle variations with each tag.

Dog Gone Tags warranties their beautiful craftsmanship. They say that the split rings they use are top of the line and very sturdy. They will pull open if your pet’s tag gets caught on something (a great safety feature), but won’t break through normal wear.

For more information, you can visit them at their website or on Etsy.

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