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Open Air Dining

I like to mix things up a bit, particularly during the school holidays or when we have friends come to stay. We have a beautiful deck for entertaining but sometimes it's nice to do something a little bit different. Sometimes on a hot summer's night we take our fish 'n' chips and eat them straight from the paper sitting on the beach (much to the seagulls' delight!) Other times we cook up eggs and bacon early in the morning at the beach barbeques - tucking into them at the picnic tables whilst watching the early morning surfers. Other days we'll have a picnic extravaganza on the foreshore - complete with tablecloth, linen napkins, glasses and all the food served on platters. It's always a lot of work but it's worth the effort! Here a couple of photos from one of our beach picnics... lots of yummy home baked treats straight from the oven!


Enjoy your Saturday!
Melissah xox

Images via 1, 2, 34

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