The yogurt adds protein and calcium to help keep bones and teeth healthy and strong, plus probiotics are good for your dog’s tummy and the blueberries are loaded with anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals plus fibre: the maple syrup is just added for taste. Don’t use too much: like all sugars, large doses of syrup are not good for your dog’s teeth, and flavorwise, a little goes a long, long way.
Blueberry Maple Pupsicles
2 cups plain non-fat probiotic yogurtStir together the yogurt, blueberries and syrup and freeze in containers appropriate for your dog’s size. (ie: muffin tins, ice cube trays, mini-muffin tins, etc.) Do not fill all the way to the top as the mixture swells as it freezes.
1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries, raspberries, strawberries or chopped fruit such as peaches or plums
2 tbsp. maple syrup (honey may be substituted if you are out of maple syrup)
To release them from the container, dip the bottoms in warm water.
These treats store well frozen in freezer bags.